
My name is Melissa Hughes.  I am the Co-ordinator of Learning Support Programs at a state high school in Brisbane, Australia.  I have a Bachelor of Education (Primary) majoring in Literacy and Middle School.  During my 10 year teaching career I have taught at a range of primary schools in all year levels as well as junior secondary classes at my current school.    I have some experience teaching students with disabilities in various settings including youth groups, Bible study and mainstream schools.  My experience working in a range of classroom settings with a range of excellent educators has taught me a great deal about literacy, pedagogy and supporting student needs.

I was the Literacy Coach at my school for four years and my role was always changing.  My abilities and skills were always being stretched.  When beginning at my school I was considered by other teachers as somewhat of a Literacy expert.  Since then, I have learned so much that I realise how very little I knew back then and how much I still need to learn now.  I chose to relinquish my coaching role to focus on my classroom teaching.

This blog is about me as a professional. I want to share my philosophy about education, literacy learning, pedagogy and coaching.  I plan to reflect on some of my experiences and the lessons I have learned as a teacher and coach.  I especially want to share resources and strategies that have worked for me.

I hope that all educators find something useful here.

Please feel free to comment on any posts or pages to let me know about your teaching journey.  Constructive feedback, suggestions for improvement and professional questions are always welcome here!

Melissa Hughes

mel lit coach signature

5 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Mel,

    I am an aspiring literacy specialist and I love your blog! I am currently writing a research paper in order to finish my CAS degree in Literacy Education at the University of Southern Maine and would love your help! My thesis seeks to answer the question- “What makes a successful literacy specialist?” I am comparing the International Reading Associations Literacy Specialist Standards to current research, to survey results from active literacy specialists. Please fill out the attached survey- I will be thrilled to share the results of my research and thesis with you! If you know any other willing literacy specialists- please forward them this e-mail.

    Thank you!

    Link: http://goo.gl/forms/8vZUK2qhc6


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